Technical Support
- How do I delete my Piknik account or information?
- I purchased a subscription. Why are my games locked?
- Why do I not have access to all the in-app content?
- Where can I find my Sago Mini purchases, like Road Trip or Doctor?
- How do I update my account info or change my password?
- I keep getting the error, "Something Went Wrong." What do I do?
- I purchased a subscription through the Piknik website, but my games are still locked.
- My game isn't available offline. Why not?
- I’d like to report a bug or share some feedback.
- How do I disable the videos showing other Sago Mini games, apps or toys?
- The app won't run on/is incompatible with my device.
- I tried to make a purchase, but it's not working. What do I do?
- I’m trying to create a Piknik account, but I keep getting an error.
- My app is crashing/freezing. What do I do?
- I'm a subscriber but can't see the new content in my app. What do I do?