How do I change the lessons in my Lesson Plan?

To edit your lesson plans, follow the steps below:

  1. If you are on the Island or Starbase, return to the Main Menu
    1. Tap the Home Icon (right-hand side) > Tap Yes > You will be re-directed to the Main Menu
  2. Select the Player Profile (top-middle) you would like to edit
  3. Tap the pencil icon (top-right) to open the Lesson Editor
  4. Pass the parental gate by entering your year of birth.
  5. Quickly add or remove all lessons in a group by tapping the checkmark box next to the title.
    1. Add or remove individual lessons by tapping the checkmark box next to the lesson.
  6. Tap Apply to finalize your changes.
  7. Tap Explore (top-right) to return to the Main Menu
  8. You're all set!

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